Pine Valley Track Day 2 - Labyrinth Lookout

Date: 28th December, 2014
Distance: 6.0 km
Time: 6.5 hours

The Labyrinth is an aptly named jungle of rocks and tarns covering a high plateau to the west of Pine Valley. We generously allocated a full day to explore the area as a day trip so we didn't have to rush through. Our goal was to reach the Labyrinth Lookout - a hill with commanding 360 degree views of the surrounds.

Day 2 - ready to tackle a lengthy climb to the Labyrinth

Like the Acropolis side trip, the track leading to the Labyrinth initially heads through dense forest before slowly working its way up the valley side. After half an hour, we were spat out of the forest at a jumble of rocks where water runs down off the plateau. A brief climb over these rocks brought us to (what we assumed would be) a short distance from the top, but it was another 45 minutes of uphill through open forest before we crested the ridge that we saw from the opposite side of the valley yesterday. There was expansive views to the south from various points along the way.

Negotiating the track/waterfall

Impressive view south to Lake St Clair, Mt Olympus, Mt Geryon and (nearest at right) The Minotaur

Vibrant Tasmanian Waratahs on display

Over the valley lip... and about to enter a different world

Dad, not accustomed to prolonged ascents, found this ascent more challenging than yesterday's climb to the plateau below the Acropolis. It was also hot in the sun. And there were annoying little black ants everywhere.

Fortunately the views more than made up for that effort.

We were almost in awe as we slowly made our way south towards the labyrinth proper. The scenery here was unlike anything either of us had ever encountered before. Even the Overland Track was nothing like this. We stopped every couple of minutes to take photos and soak up the views of this surreal landscape, moving further only when swarming ants pushed us along.

Mount Geryon and the Acropolis - a very different view from this side of the valley

Smiles all around as we descend to Cyane Lake

In the Labyrinth - where to now?

Labyrinth Lookout from near Cyane Lake

Walled Mountain behind Cyane Lake

From Cyane Lake, it was an easy 20 minute climb to the Labyrinth Lookout. At the summit we enjoyed impressive views of the surrounding mountains and the myriad lakes of the Labyrinth. We originally planned to lunch at the top, but a nagging combination of wind and the ever-present ants deterred us from staying too long.

The distinctive craggly spires of Mount Geryon

Dad descending from the Labyrinth Lookout

We retreated back down to Cyane Lake, finding a lovely floating rock island - free from the hordes of tiny little black ants - to enjoy our lunch in peace.

We spent a good hour relaxing on our rock on the lake, not really wanting to get going again. The return journey went by much quicker without us stopping for photos, so we were back at Pine Valley within 2 hours.

After dinner, we again spent some time down at the helipad to watch the sunset. Our trip to the Labyrinth had been a very memorable one, with some of the most interesting scenery we'd ever encountered. We even had perfect weather to enjoy it - but as it turns out we didn't see any more blue sky for another three days.

Day 1 - Narcissus Hut to Pine Valley
Day 3 - Pine Valley to Echo Point

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